Unlocking Insights: A Comprehensive Guide to Gallus Rewards Metrics

Kyle Youngkin
12-07-23 11:04 AM Comment(s)
Customer loyalty is a crucial component to growing revenue at a golf facility. These are dollars you can count on, enabling you to focus on adding new customers while your base of regulars stays steady.

Gallus understands this and has developed robust Rewards modules – Offer Locker and Loyalty – to help you engage your customers, drive repeat business, and boost your bottom line.

These modules come equipped with a wealth of metrics that provide valuable insights into customer behavior and program effectiveness. We will use this post to delve into the available metrics for each module.

This is post three in our App Analytics blog post series. Be sure to read the first two posts if you haven't already!
App Analytics Overview
Push Notification Analytics
The digital, hands-free loyalty program has been a huge part of our success. Rather than being one and done, repeat business became the norm.

We truly believe the Gallus app filled a void in our golf course operation!

Michael Fernuik
Manager, Tierra Del Sol Golf Club

Offer Locker: Specific Per-Offer Data

Offer Locker empowers you to create redeemable “Offers” in your app, sending them to every user that downloads your app or, if you choose, a select group of users.

This module provides detailed metrics for each individual offer, empowering you to make informed decisions about your promotional strategies.

Here's a breakdown of the available metrics:

Available Uses

Track the number of times an offer can still be redeemed.

Unique Views

Measure the number of unique visitors who have viewed an offer.


Monitor the number of times an offer has been redeemed.

Redemption Rate

Calculate the percentage of offer views that resulted in redemptions.
Learn More About Offer Locker

Offer Locker: Aggregate Performance Over A Date Range

In addition to these granular offer-level metrics, Offer Locker also provides higher-level aggregate historical data for specific date ranges in App Analytics.

This includes:

Active Offers

Keep track of the number of offers that are currently active.

Unique Views

Measure the total number of unique visitors who have viewed any offer during the selected date range.

Total Views

Track the total number of times any offer has been viewed during the selected date range. (One user could have viewed the Offer multiple times.)


Monitor the total number of times any offer has been redeemed during the selected date range.
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Loyalty: Viewing Each Program's Performance

Loyalty Programs is a customizable loyalty tracking tool that supports punch card or points-based programs. End users can view their balance at any time in the app and redeem rewards through a simple confirmation flow in the pro shop.

Loyalty provides a wealth of all-time data specific to each program, allowing you to gain a deep understanding of customer engagement and program effectiveness.

Here's a breakdown of the available metrics within the Loyalty Programs module:

Number Of Participants

Track the total number of customers enrolled in each loyalty program.

Number Of Transactions

Monitor the total number of transactions associated with each loyalty program.

User-Specific Data

Gain insights into individual customer behavior with metrics such as:

Number Of Punch Cards

Track the number of punch cards each customer has.

Redemptions vs. Completions

Compare the number of rewards redeemed to the number of punch cards completed.

Available vs. Used Points

Monitor the number of points each customer has earned and used.
Learn More About Loyalty

Loyalty: Aggregate Performance Over A Date Range

Loyalty also provides an App Analytics section for data for a specific date range, separated by type of program (punch card vs. points-based).

Here's a breakdown of the available metrics:

Number Of Active Programs

Track the number of active loyalty programs during the selected date range.

Active Users

Monitor the number of active users enrolled in each loyalty program during the selected date range.

Punches/Points Earned

Track the total number of punches earned or points earned across all loyalty programs during the selected date range.

Awards Redeemed

Monitor the total number of rewards redeemed across all loyalty programs during the selected date range.
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What Should I Do With This Information?

By leveraging these comprehensive metrics, you can:

Optimize Offer Locker Campaigns

Identify which offers are resonating with your customers and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Refine Loyalty Programs

Understand customer engagement patterns and tailor your programs to maximize participation and rewards utilization.

Measure The Overall Impact Of These Modules

Assess the effectiveness of your Rewards strategies in driving customer engagement, loyalty, and revenue growth.


Gallus Golf's Rewards modules provide you with the data-driven insights you need to make informed decisions, enhance customer experiences, and achieve your business goals. Embrace the power of metrics to unlock a world of possibilities for your golf course.
Schedule A Demo

Kyle Youngkin